Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weather Blog- Like everyone else on the East Coast

As most everyone now knows, yesterday was history in the making.
And if you don't know, I would strongly suggest watching a little more news and playing a little less video games.
Just saying.
An earthquake hit the Virginia area, thus imposing mass chaos.
I'll admit, it was scary.
I'll even take it one step further and admit I was scared.
But was there a need for mass freak outs like it was the end of the world? Most likely not.
Was it funny to watch East Coasters react to an earthquake of that magnitude?
Why, yes it was.
Even better news, my cats survived the horrific earthquake and didn't seem too shaken up by the days events that surely disturbed they're afternoon naps.
Now, if only this hurricane can stay away from us for the weekend it would be greatly appreciated.
I am in desperate need of some quality time with the sun.
I'm looking rather vampire like and I need to fix it before summer turns to fall. :(
Chris and I are heading down to Norfolk on Sunday with grand plans to spend a day at the beach on Monday so I would greatly appreciate it if you could stay away from us, Hurricane Irene.

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