Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who Am I?

Who Am I?
Becky Price.
An Airman's Wife?
An ex competitive gymnast/ gymnastics coach?
Chris' *fabulous* wife?
A sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece and cousin?
A friend?
A big blonde goofball who loves taking pictures?
A girl who just wants to believe that there is a good in everyone?

Theses are all some of the ways I identify myself to who I am. 
I don't just see myself as being a military wife.
Although I wear the title proudly, it's not the most important thing in my life. 
I'm extremely proud of what he does. 
Anyone who knows me, knows this.
But at the end of the day, it's just his job; it's not the most important thing in our lives.
Him being in the military is not something we should center our world around.
I've never been one to center my world around someone else's career.
But I've found that in the military world, it's easy to get wrapped up in your husband's career and his life.
But, find your own way.
Find your own hobbies and interests.
Because if and when he leaves,  it can get very lonely and depressing.  The reality and harshnesses of this life will eat you alive.
So find your own way.
Don't let your life center around your husband's military (or any career) career.
Take pride in being a military wife, but take even more pride in doing what you love.
But don't let your entire world center around his world, you have to find a life outside of your husband's if you want to survive in this military world. 
And if you're as lucky as I am;
the man you married will show you just as much support and love that you show him.

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