Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Poor Little Broken Foot

As most of you know, I was supposed to run a half marathon February 12.
Well on December 17th I thought I sprained my ankle.
So, I went to the ER because it swelled up like a balloon and got nice and bruised.
The doctor told me it was sprained and I would be as good as new in two weeks.
Well two weeks later, I could still not walk on it, so I went to see a regular doctor.
And it turns out it was 3 places.
No half marathon for me.
I'm so bummed.
I was really looking forward to running in that marathon.
I was training really hard, I felt like I was getting in even better shape than I had been in before and I was getting even better at running.
And now, I'm in a boot and supposed to  be on crutches.
And i'm really bummed.
I hate not being able to work out.
I hate being in a boot and hobbling around.
And, I really hate not being able to achieve this one major goal I had for myself while Chris was gone.
And I really hate that I'm such a klutz and can't go a year without a broken bone.
So that my friends, is the story with the half marathon and broken foot.

1 comment:

  1. Awww poor Becks!! Same thing happened to me at WVU! I hurt my foot, they told me it was strained and I left w. crutches and muscle relaxers (no pain meds! ahh) then a couple weeks later I still couldnt walk without crying in pain, came to VA and went to ER to recheck...def broken! duh. Hopefully you heal fast!! I'm sorry your hurting and not able to do your marathon :( I know you were looking forward to that!
