Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Truly Great Friends are hard to find, Difficult to leave and IMPOSSIBLE to forget"

I am happy to say that I've found a new job.
And it only took me exactly one week to get it.
Wahooo Go Me!
It's a job I think I will absolutely love, since it's a passion of mine.
I'm teaching gymnastics FULL TIME.
So far, so good.
But only time will tell if this is what I'm meant to be doing.

In other news, I'm adjusting to life in the South relatively well, I believe.
I love the warm weather and being able to go to the beach in October.
I've thrown myself into my new life and have adjusted pretty well.
I don't love being so far away from my true best friends and siblings.
I miss my friends and siblings like crazy.
This Saturday was the first day I really wished I was back home.
One of my very best friends had her first dress fitting and I missed it.
I was extremely sad I was missing this fun moment of her wedding planning.
That night her and Heather went out.
I wished nothing more than to be there with them.
The 3 of us used to inseparable, until she moved to Richmond.
So the few times a year when she is home, we always got together with our other halves and had a ball.
This was the first time I missed our little gathering.
And boy, I was sad.
Thank goodness for technology these days, between facebook, text messages, phone calls and Skype it's nearly impossible to lose contact with a good friend, unless you choose to not make time.
That's what I kept telling myself this weekend.
As long as I make just as much effort as they do, no one will forget about me.
But, I do believe it's normal to feel like your friends just might forget you live so far away.
I sure hope it's normal.
But when I think something like that, I just have to knock the sense back into myself.
My friends are the best that any girl could have, and the next time we see each other, we'll pick up right where we left off.
Nothing will change, we've been through the times in life when friendships end.
We are stuck with each other through the rest of time.
We are going to watch our children grow up together.
We are going to grow old together.
Sometimes I just have to remind myself that I'm being crazy.
I'm lucky enough to have such wonderful friends who were so hard to leave.
I am truly blessed beyond words to have so a wonderful group of girls in my life, who will always be there for me regardless of how far apart we are in miles.

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