Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day

Is it sad that I'm crossing my fingers for a snow day tomorrow so that I can get our house cleaned up instead of being able to relax and enjoy a day off?! I guess that is what happens when you turn into sigh. Between my full time job, gymnastics and working out I just can't seem to find the time to do domestic things as well as errands.  I find myself planning out my days down to each minute and that's just tiring and stressful.  So I sure hope the weather Gods will dump enough snow on us so that I'm unable to make it into work tomorrow so i can clean our house.  For those of you who know me, know that i am a NEAT FREAK.  I hate when things are out of order or cluttered.  And it drives me crazy not being able to vacuum everyday.  I know I'm obsessive but I just can't help it.  So everyone please cross your fingers for a snow day.

Recently, I keep seeing people on facebook posting about how they "miss" their significant other so much.  Well I put miss in quotations because until you have been apart form your significant other for months at a time, I don't believe you can truly understand what it feels like to miss your partner. You cant possibly understand how lonely it is and how much a heart can truly hurt just from being separated.  In no way am I saying that these people don't miss their other half, I'm just saying that it drives me absolutely crazy to see people saying they miss their partner when he's just at work, at least you are lucky enough that he comes home to you...regardless of the time.  I understand that you may not be used to being alone, but if it's only for few days (or a night) and you're still able to talk/text him than count your lucky stars.  There are plenty of people who are oversees really missing their families and don't have the ability to call or text whenever they want.  So next time you think about complaining about missing someone, stop for a second and think about how lucky you are that you're other half is only gone for a couple nights because there are more people than you can imagine who aren't as lucky as you are. 

In no way am I complaining about the military life.  Its what Chris choose to do with his life and it's something I knew from day 1.  I'm not complaining about his tour of duties or the fact that we spend 2-5 nights apart every week because I know how lucky we are to have found a love as special as ours.  And we both know to treasure the time that we do have together because you never know what tomorrow will bring.  I take those past deployments as a blessing in disguise. Those deployments have brought us emotionally closer than we ever could have been if he never left.  We realize that fighting about small stuff is a waste of time and energy and not to bother with bickering.  We realize that we are lucky enough to spend a day together or have more than one phone call a week.  And for that, I'm thankful. 

Have a happy Wednesday and cross you're fingers for a snow day :)

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