It never fails to shock (and upset) me when I hear something on the news about how people treat each other (or animals for that matter...they're little people too!). But stories like this one, just break my heart no matter how many times I see them.
It just boggles my mind that people can really be this cruel, don't they have better things to do with their time than picketting at an innocent CHILD'S funeral after she was gunned down in a mass shooting? Do these people truly believe that God is punishing a CHILD for her sins by having her murdered? What's even more to the point is do these awful people really believe that they are going to go to heaven when they die? Because I do not. Nothing these people do in their daily lives could possibly make up for this awful sin they are committing.
These are the same people who protest at soldiers funerals. These heroes gave up their life so you can have the right to make your voice heard and this is how you choose to thank them? I just can't wrap my head around the idea at protesting a funeral. It is a private family matter to honor the life of a loved one( who died so honorably)so why should the families have to deal with such hatred. And even more importantly, why would these people want to take away from that remembrance? Or how would they feel if people did that to one of their family members?!?
I want to believe in the goodness of every person, no matter their age, religious belief or race. But it's news articles like this that are quick to remind me that people are evil and the world is a cruel place to live. It makes it hard to believe that every human being has a good soul and that deeply saddens me. If people would stop hating each other and show each other signs of love instead of hate the world would be such a better place to live and their children would grow up in a peaceful environment.The United States has enough enemies, we don't need to be making enemies with one another on top of everything else. I really just don't get people sometimes and their actions, why turn to violence as an answer for everything? It does not solve anything, only creates more problems. I want to be able to believe that there is such a thing as peace and eventually we will all learn to learn in peace amongst ourselves but things like this news article make it very hard to keep believing.
Slow Cooker Bolognese
11 hours ago
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