Monday has come once again. It seems like my weekends fly by even faster than my weeks. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm always on the go. But I can't complain! Saturday after gymnastics we headed up to New Jersey for my stepsisters bridal shower. We ended up not leaving until after 530 so we got up there pretty late. We settled into our hotel and watched a movie before we both fell asleep. But not too long after I fell asleep I woke up to a loud thunderstorm...nope not a storm just my fiance snoring away. After a long night I was off to Jessie's bridal shower and Chris was off to hang out with the guys and watch some football. Up in New Jersey bridal showers are typically done as a surprise to the bride, which I had no idea about...guess it was a good thing I didn't mention to her that I'd see her on January 23rd! But she looked very surprised and she seemed like she had a really good time! So I figured since I have weddings on the mind, I might as well you give you guys an update on mine :)
Months to go before the big day: 3 months and about 10 days! Wahooo and I can NOT wait until it finally gets here! I'm over the planning part and I just want to be married now! Plus I'm super excited about our amazingggg honeymoon to the Sandals Resort in Jamaica Negril! 8 whole days in pure paradise with no connection to the outside world.
What's left to do: Not too much, at least I don't think so! We are meeting with a Reverend this upcoming weekend, so hopefully if we like her and her ceremony style fits in with what we are looking for we can cross that off our list of things to do! Chris is finally going to see our gorgeous wedding venue this weekend as well so I'm excited that he'll finally get to see where we are getting married!
Flowers: We (my mom and I ) are going to speak with a couple florists within the next month of two and figure out who is going to be doing them and what I want bridesmaids to carry. I think i want a bouquet of white (or very light pink) rose with turquoise stephanotis. No need to get the men boutionniers though because they will be wearing starfish instead :) Nice, little beachy touch that I thought would be more unique for the wedding! Plus i just really love that idea :)
Cake: We have found a girl to do our beautifulll cake!! :) She's a friend from high school and she's giving us an awesome price for it so I'm super excited. We're going to meet her for cake tasting in February, and I am so excited to do that! Her list of flavors sound delicious! And the pictures of the cakes she's done lot so good! So we'll have a beautiful cake at our wedding :)
Tuxes: Yes, people you read that correctly. Chris has agreed to wear a tux to our wedding and I'm so happy about that! He and his grooms men are going to (hopefully) get fitted the first weekend of February. Chris is planning on an all black tux, black shirt and a turquoise tie. He is going to decide on either a black or turquoise vest when he sees how they look on him. The grooms men will be in a black tux, white shirt, turquoise tie and either black or turquoise vest (whichever color Chris isn't wearing, that's the color they'll be wearing).
Music: One of Chris' high school friends is a DJ so he'll be DJing our wedding for us. We've got on first dance song picked out as well...finalllly! So that's a huge check on our list! My uncle is actually going to be playing the songs as the girls and I walk down the aisle and then Chris and I. I've picked out what I want to walk down the aisle to, so now we are just in the process of picking a song!
Centerpieces: I've decided what I want to do for the centerpieces (no flowers!) so now we just have to assemble the centerpiece and get exactly what I want. But that shouldn't take more than an evening, since I have a very clear picture of what they are going to look like...very unique and "becky" :) But i'm not telling you because it'll be a surprise.
Dress: I've got mine and it's in the process of being altered! So as long as I dont eat so much junk food that I balloon up 3 sizes it should still be perfect and my shoes are on their way! :) Need to wear them around the house so my feet get used to them so i can boogie in them all night long!
So pretty much, we've done all the big things that there is to be done, now we are just tying up the lose ends and getting last minute stuff together!
Bridesmaids: Well, they were supposed to have their dresses two weeks ago, but the store screwed up the colors so we should have them in about 6 weeks. go thing we ordered them early! Then the girls can get them altered when and where they please and we'll be good to go! I'm still trying to decide on a cute bridesmaid gift for them...I've got a couple thoughts in the works but we'll see how they turn out.
Have a wonderful Monday!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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