It's true...some friendships are not meant to last a lifetime. Some friendships are only meant to last for a specific time in your life and I've recently come to realize that. I've realized that while in that time in my life people were my "best friends" and they helped me grow as a person and get through tough times. But as we grew, I realized that we can't grow together and you know what, I'm fine with that. True best friends are people you can grow and mature with and nothing in your relationship changes. If you have to make an effort to keep that "closeness" in a relationship than maybe it's not a friendship that is meant to last a lifetime. I appreciate all the friendships that I've had in the past with people I was extremely close with...they are the reason I am who I am today. And I would never want to erase those memories or friendships because there was a point to them. I will never have harsh feelings for them...I wish them only happiness in life and I thank them for being such a big part in my life at that specific time. All those friendships that have not last have made me appreciate my true friends (my true best friends I've had since childhood) more than I ever could have. I appreciate that even if best friends lose touch for awhile, when you regain touch it's like you didn't skip a beat...and that to me is a true best friend. People come and go in your life but only a few will leave footprints in your life....and i'm so thankful for the people who have left footprints in my life.
I've also come to realize that people have no idea how lucky they are in life. I see people complaining about having a job or having to go to school or blah blah blah on facebook and it drives me crazy. Do these people not realize how lucky they are to have the opportunity to go to school or have a job? There are so many people in these country (not to mention outside of this country) who will never have those opportunities. People need to take a second to think about what they are complaining about before they post something ridiculous. I realize that most everyone would rather live the rich and famous life, but chances are you're not going to have that life. So stop complaining about going to school...a better education means a better job in the field of your choice so that you will be able to have a comfortable life. People drive me crazy complaining about the choices that they made...if you made a choice, you don't get to complain about it all the time. Every choice you make also has it's downsides, and if you've made the choice you've also accepted those downsides but the upsides out way them. So stop complaining and grow up. We are adults now. Next time you want to complain think about how lucky you instead and be thankful for everything that you have in your life.
Well that's all i have for today....have a wonderful Friday!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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