Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm Offically a Blogger :)

Welcome everyone to my blog! I've decided to try out blogging because it's a place where I can express my thoughts on life and you can choose to either read or not read. 

First, let me start with the basics, my name is Becky and I'm 25 years old. I'm engaged to the most wonderful man I ever could have been blessed with, Chris.  He is not only my best friend but my better half.  He truly completes me and we both realize how lucky we are to have the type of relationship that we do. We are getting married on May 6, 2011 and we are both so excited for what the future holds for us. Less than four months away! Chris is in the Air Force and we are waiting to find out where he will be stationed next.  We are crossing our fingers for someplace in Europe, but if not Europe someplace in the South, where it is warm and sunny. While there are some downsides to living the military life, there are also many upsides, such as the opportunity to see the world while we are young. I am currently working in Falls Church as a Human Resource Assistant and managing our Physical Therapy clinic which works with special needs children.  While the office work can get stressful at times, it's always brings a smile to my face to see the kids everyday trying their hardest.  At nights and on the weekends, I coach gymnastics in Leesburg. I love this job and though it means getting home late and getting up early on Saturday mornings, I absolutely adore the children who come in for lessons. And being able to share my love of gymnastics with the little ones is just an added benefit.

We have two cats, Marshmellow and Abby. Marshemellow is a total and complete lovable nutcase while Abby is calm and just wants to sleep all day and not be bothered.  While Marshmellow is my little shadow, Abby favors Chris. Abby is going on 8 years one while Marshmellow is just turned 2.  While she is not a kitten any longer, she sure does act like one.  She loves to play and when she's not playing she's snuggling and purring.  Abby prefers to either lay on Chris and sleep or hide somewhere where Marshmellow won't bother her and sleep.

I have learned a lot in this past year.  Friends come and go but the ones who are there for the long run never disappear no matter what happens between the two of you.  Your true friends will be the ones who are there for you through the hard times, while other people will be the ones who turn the other way.  While this was a hard lesson to learn, I'm thankful that I have learned it now instead of ten years down the road.  I'm also thankful for the true friends that I am blessed to have in my life. Deployments are hard and crappy but they are a blessing in disguise.  Chris has gone on two deployments since we've been dating (he did his first deployment before we met) and each one has made our relationship stronger and we have learned to value each day that we get to spend together and that fighting over the small things is a waste of time and energy. We have an extremely strong emotional bond and we can thank the deployments for that. Well that it's for today, stay tuned for more adventures as I embark on the journey of life:)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so inspirational and I love you for that... you are such an amazing person and I am so lucky to have you in my life and to be able to call you a great friend!

