Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snow Day- Correction

Ok, first let me start by aplogizing for the way "Snow Day" might have came and if I offended anyone, I am very sorry.  It may have been the fact that Chris was told there is about a 50% chance they will deploy him to Afghanistan in September that had me on edge and it was just another week where we only saw each other 3 days.  Which is normal for us and usually doesn't bother me because I know there are people who are in worse situations but something just must have struck a cord with me.

So let me start of by no way was I trying to compare a deployment to people who have no idea what the military life is about because those people made the choose not to live the military life and I made the choice to be living a military life.  I was simply trying to say that there is a very big difference between missing your partner who is gone for months at a time with limited communication and missing someone who is going to be coming home at night or is only gone for a day or two.  There are different types of "missing" a partner and I definitely understand and acknowledge that.  I get very annoyed by people saying they miss their partner when they haven't seen him in a couple hours or one day. I wasn't saying you shouldn't miss your partner or you don't have a right to miss your partnerr, I was simply trying to say that you should think about how lucky you are that he's only gone for a night or two because there are so many people who are alone for extended periods of time with limited communication.  And there are even more people who are the significant others of police officers and fire fighters.  Which are extremely dangerous jobs that keep  America safe. Many of those wives and girlfriends spend countless nights alone, so no, I was not just referring to military wives, i was also referring to the significant others of these local heros who understand that they choose this lifestyle and all the ups and downs that go with it and the sacrifices that they make on a daily basis.  While some of us know "miss" on an entirely different level as others, most people are lucky enough to not know "miss" on such an extreme level and when your partner is gone for a night or just working a long day, just remember how lucky you are that he is coming home at night.

Again, I am thankful for the life that Chris and I have chosen for ourselves and I am not complaining about it by any means.  I am thankful that we have had to go through deployments because we are an emotional bond that is impossible for anyone who has not gone through a deployment to understand.  We realize that we need to cherish the time that we are able to spend together because we will never know what tomorrow will bring.  We know that fighting over small, meaningless things are a waste of time and we don't bother with them.  We realize that if we spend a night or two apart we are lucky because he isn't halfway around the world and we are able to talk on the phone as much as we want.  We are lucky enough to know that if our relationship is strong enough to survive a deployment than we can survive anything.

So, I hope that I did not offend to many people and this hopes to clarify what I was trying to say on the last blog.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Open your eyes America

Yesterday on Oprah, she had a segment about a wounded war veteran.  Before she brought him on she stated that she was not very aware of what was going on in the war and wasn't aware of how the war affected so many lives.  I thought this episode was a good eye opener for people who turn a blind eye to the war that's been going on for 10 years with no end in sight.  Yes Obama is withdrawing combat troops from Iraq.  Most people see that as a victory.  I do not.  50,000 troops are going to be left in Iraq indefinitely.  Yes, those troops are not combat and will not be in as much danger, but they will be in some danger.  And in addition, he might be withdrawing troops from Iraq, but what about the fact that he is sending more into Afghanistan?  What kind of victory is that?  What does it matter if our troops are in Iraq or Afghanistan?  What matters is the fact that troops are still being deployed to a war zone on a daily basis and most of America has no idea what is going on.  Or chooses to turn a blind eye because it's not their family that is risking their lives for our freedom.  And being a family member of an active duty military man, this drives me crazy.  It makes me so mad that there seems to be less and less support for the troops and awareness for what is going on as the days go by.  I understand that it's a long war with no end in sight, but these soldiers are risking their life, giving up their time with families so that we can be safe at night.  And they need to know that America supports them. 

People are deployed everyday and some never come home.  And those that do come home, are left with not only the memories of what they have been through but all the side effects of being in  a war. Most of them come home with PTSD but they can't get help for it because they'll be honorably discharged from the military.  How is this fair? I hope that Oprah's show yesterday helped to raise a little bit of awareness about the obstacles these troops face when they come home.  Some have physical injuries that can be seen, but most have emotional issues that can not be seen and people need to be as supportive as possible towards these men and women.  Because if it wasn't for them who knows how safe we would really be.

Michell Obama was also on Oprah yesterday stating that she supports the troops.  Well, I find it odd that she supports the troops but her husband just cut the defense budget.  If the defense budget is getting cut, these troops that are deployed wont have the proper training or equipment when they go overseas making it that much more dangerous for them.  Again, how is this fair? They are fighting so that we can be safe but we cut their budget?  The defense budget is the one budget that I think should not have been cut.  Unless you are going to end this war which clearly Obama has no intentions of doing.  

Please, if you have free time sign up to write a letter to a solider or give them a care package once a month.  let them know that you care about them and appreciate what they are doing over there.  Mail is one of the very few things that they have to look forward to, and when they get a letter from a stranger thanking them for their service it means more to them than you and I will ever know. 


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day

Is it sad that I'm crossing my fingers for a snow day tomorrow so that I can get our house cleaned up instead of being able to relax and enjoy a day off?! I guess that is what happens when you turn into sigh. Between my full time job, gymnastics and working out I just can't seem to find the time to do domestic things as well as errands.  I find myself planning out my days down to each minute and that's just tiring and stressful.  So I sure hope the weather Gods will dump enough snow on us so that I'm unable to make it into work tomorrow so i can clean our house.  For those of you who know me, know that i am a NEAT FREAK.  I hate when things are out of order or cluttered.  And it drives me crazy not being able to vacuum everyday.  I know I'm obsessive but I just can't help it.  So everyone please cross your fingers for a snow day.

Recently, I keep seeing people on facebook posting about how they "miss" their significant other so much.  Well I put miss in quotations because until you have been apart form your significant other for months at a time, I don't believe you can truly understand what it feels like to miss your partner. You cant possibly understand how lonely it is and how much a heart can truly hurt just from being separated.  In no way am I saying that these people don't miss their other half, I'm just saying that it drives me absolutely crazy to see people saying they miss their partner when he's just at work, at least you are lucky enough that he comes home to you...regardless of the time.  I understand that you may not be used to being alone, but if it's only for few days (or a night) and you're still able to talk/text him than count your lucky stars.  There are plenty of people who are oversees really missing their families and don't have the ability to call or text whenever they want.  So next time you think about complaining about missing someone, stop for a second and think about how lucky you are that you're other half is only gone for a couple nights because there are more people than you can imagine who aren't as lucky as you are. 

In no way am I complaining about the military life.  Its what Chris choose to do with his life and it's something I knew from day 1.  I'm not complaining about his tour of duties or the fact that we spend 2-5 nights apart every week because I know how lucky we are to have found a love as special as ours.  And we both know to treasure the time that we do have together because you never know what tomorrow will bring.  I take those past deployments as a blessing in disguise. Those deployments have brought us emotionally closer than we ever could have been if he never left.  We realize that fighting about small stuff is a waste of time and energy and not to bother with bickering.  We realize that we are lucky enough to spend a day together or have more than one phone call a week.  And for that, I'm thankful. 

Have a happy Wednesday and cross you're fingers for a snow day :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh Monday

Monday has come once again.  It seems like my weekends fly by even faster than my weeks.  I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm always on the go.  But I can't complain! Saturday after gymnastics we headed up to New Jersey for my stepsisters bridal shower.  We ended up not leaving until after 530 so we got up there pretty late.  We settled into our hotel and watched a movie before we both fell asleep. But not too long after I fell asleep I woke up to a loud thunderstorm...nope not a storm just my fiance snoring away. After a long night I was off to Jessie's bridal shower and Chris was off to hang out with the guys and watch some football. Up in New Jersey bridal showers are typically done as a surprise to the bride, which I had no idea about...guess it was a good thing I didn't mention to her that I'd see her on January 23rd! But she looked very surprised and she seemed like she had a really good time! So I figured since I have weddings on the mind, I might as well you give you guys an update on mine :)

Months to go before the big day: 3 months and about 10 days! Wahooo and I can NOT wait until it finally gets here! I'm over the planning part and I just want to be married now! Plus I'm super excited about our amazingggg honeymoon to the Sandals Resort in Jamaica Negril! 8 whole days in pure paradise with no connection to the outside world. 

What's left to do: Not too much, at least I don't think so! We are meeting with a Reverend this upcoming weekend, so hopefully if we like her and her ceremony style fits in with what we are looking for we can cross that off our list of things to do! Chris is finally going to see our gorgeous wedding venue this weekend as well so I'm excited that he'll finally get to see where we are getting married!
Flowers:  We (my mom and I ) are going to speak with a couple florists within the next month of two and figure out who is going to be doing them and what I want bridesmaids to carry.  I think i want a bouquet of white (or very light pink) rose with turquoise stephanotis. No need to get the men boutionniers though because they will be wearing starfish instead :) Nice, little beachy touch that I thought would be more unique for the wedding! Plus i just really love that idea :) 
Cake: We have found a girl to do our beautifulll cake!! :) She's a friend from high school and she's giving us an awesome price for it so I'm super excited.  We're going to meet her for cake tasting in February, and I am so excited to do that! Her list of flavors sound delicious! And the pictures of the cakes she's done lot so good! So we'll have a beautiful cake at our wedding :) 
Tuxes: Yes, people you read that correctly. Chris has agreed to wear a tux to our wedding and I'm so happy about that! He and his grooms men are going to  (hopefully) get fitted the first weekend of February.  Chris is planning on an all black tux, black shirt and a turquoise tie.  He is going to decide on either a black or turquoise vest when he sees how they look on him.  The grooms men will be in a black tux, white shirt, turquoise tie and either black or turquoise vest (whichever color Chris isn't wearing, that's the color they'll be wearing).  
Music:  One of Chris' high school friends is a DJ so he'll be DJing our wedding for us.  We've got on first dance song picked out as well...finalllly! So that's a huge check on our list! My uncle is actually going to be playing the songs as the girls and I walk down the aisle and then Chris and I.  I've picked out what I want to walk down the aisle to, so now we are just in the process of picking a song!
Centerpieces: I've decided what I want to do for the centerpieces (no flowers!) so now we just have to assemble the centerpiece and get exactly what I want. But that shouldn't take more than an evening, since I have a very clear picture of what they are going to look like...very unique and "becky" :) But i'm not telling you because it'll be a surprise.
Dress: I've got mine and it's in the process of being altered! So as long as I dont eat so much junk food that I balloon up 3 sizes it should still be perfect and my shoes are on their way! :) Need to wear them around the house so my feet get used to them so i can boogie in them all night long!
So pretty much, we've done all the big things that there is to be done, now we are just tying up the lose ends and getting last minute stuff together! 
Bridesmaids: Well, they were supposed to have their dresses two weeks ago, but the store screwed up the colors so we should have them in about 6 weeks. go thing we ordered them early! Then the girls can get them altered when and where they please and we'll be good to go! I'm still trying to decide on a cute bridesmaid gift for them...I've got a couple thoughts in the works but we'll see how they turn out. 

Have a wonderful Monday!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A friendship that can be broken was never a true frienship to begin with

It's true...some friendships are not meant to last a lifetime.  Some friendships are only meant to last for a specific time in your life and I've recently come to realize that.  I've realized that while in that time in my life people were my "best friends" and they helped me grow as a person and get through tough times.  But as we grew, I realized that we can't grow together and you know what, I'm fine with that.  True best friends are people you can grow and mature with and nothing in  your relationship changes.  If you have to make an effort to keep that "closeness" in a relationship than maybe it's not a friendship that is meant to last a lifetime. I appreciate all the friendships that I've had in the past with people I was extremely close with...they are the reason I am who I am today.  And I would never want to erase those memories or friendships because there was a point to them. I will never have harsh feelings for them...I wish them only happiness in life and I thank them for being such a big part in my life at that specific time.  All those friendships that have not last have made me appreciate my true friends (my true best friends I've had since childhood) more than I ever could have.  I appreciate that even if best friends lose touch for awhile, when you regain touch it's like you didn't skip a beat...and that to me is a true best friend.  People come and go in your life but only a few will leave footprints in your life....and i'm so thankful for the people who have left footprints in my life.

I've also come to realize that people have no idea how lucky they are in life. I see people complaining about having a job or having to go to school or blah blah blah on facebook and it drives me crazy.  Do these people not realize how lucky they are to have the opportunity to go to school or have a job? There are so many people in these country (not to mention outside of this country) who will never have those opportunities.  People need to take a second to think about what they are complaining about before they post something ridiculous. I realize that most everyone would rather live the rich and famous life, but chances are you're not going to have that life. So stop complaining about going to school...a better education means a better job in the field of your choice so that you will be able to have a comfortable life.  People drive me crazy complaining about the choices that they made...if you made a choice, you don't get to complain about it all the time.  Every choice you make also has it's downsides, and if you've made the choice you've also accepted those downsides but the upsides out way them.  So stop complaining and grow up.  We are adults now. Next time you want to complain think about how lucky you instead and be thankful for everything that you have in your life. 

Well that's all i have for today....have a wonderful Friday! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Guest Book

So I've attempted to design my own guest book for the wedding and I think it came out pretty cute :) There will be one on each table at the reception. I wanted to do this for a couple reasons. One, I wanted to add my own touch into our guest book as well as do something creative and unique, and this seemed like a perfect way to do it! Two, I wanted a book where people can actually write something besides their name. I mean, honestly, how long will I actually keep a book with peoples names written on it? Probably not that long, but with this, it'll be a great keepsake for both Chris and I. I think it's something that is worth spending a little extra money on. And, it's a great way to use our engagement pictures!

Take a look!
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Monday, January 17, 2011

A couple of delicious recipes :)

Well I officially feel like Susie Homemaker as this holiday weekend draws to an end...and I gotta  be honest, I kind of love being a Susie Homemaker.  I've been cooking, baking, cleaning and snuggling with my man all weekend and it's something I could definitely get used to! Now, let me share a couple recipes that I (as well as Chris) absolutely love.

First on the menu Saturday night was pork chops with a ritz crackers breading.  I basically threw some things in a bowl and baked the pork chops and they turned out delicious.  So delicious in fact that Chris declared them his new favorite meal.
*2 cups crushed ritz crackers
*1 cup Parmesan cheese
*1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
*sprinkle of garlic powder
*sprinkle of onion salt
*1/2 cup melted butter
 -Combine all ingredients except butter
-dredge pork chops in butter
-Cover pork chops in breading and press the breading into the pork chops
-Cook Pork chops in oven at 425 degrees- 15 minutes on each side.
I served these with cream corn (made with cans of corn, one egg yolk, 1/4 cup milk and one cup of cheese. Combine all ingredients and put in a cold oven. turn on to 400 degrees, when oven reaches the temperature, take out and stir, cook for five more minutes) and a baked potato and it was a nice homey, meal.  Perfect for a Saturday evening of watching football.

Sunday night i made a simple, but very good meal.  fettuccine Alfredo, one of our favorite meals.  Unhealthy and fattening yes...but so very delicious.
*1 box pasta
*3/4 pint of heavy whipping cream (about 1 1/2 cup)
*dash of garlic salt
*3/4 Romano cheese
*1/2 Parmesan cheese
-Cook the pasta to al denta, drain.
- In a medium saucepan melt the butter into the cream over low heat.
-Add the garlic salt and stir in the cheese over medium heat until melted and cheese thickens.
- Add the sauce to the pasta
This meal is so filling itself that i just made biscuits with it and we had a nice simple meal that left us very full and happy.

Tonight I made my ranch chicken with potatoes in a cheese sauce with green beans.
Again, with the chicken I just threw some things together and until I made those pork chops, this was Chris's favorite meal.
*1 cup breadcrumbs
*1/2 instant oatmeal flakes
*1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
*dash of garlic salt
*1 packet of ranch chip dip
-In a large bowl combine all ingredients
-In another bowl pour some ranch dressing into it.
- Coat the chicken in the ranch dressing and then coat with the breading. Press the breading into the chicken.
-Melt a tablespoon of butter in a baking dish. Place chicken in dish and sprinkle with cheese.
-Cook at 425 degrees for 35 minutes. Lower heat to 375 degree, flip chicken and cook 15 minutes.

For the potatoes
*sliced potatoes (or 2 cans of sliced potatoes)
*2 tablespoons butter
*2 tablespoons flour
*1 cup milk
*1 cup shredded cheese
- Melt the butter in a medium saucepan
-Add flour and stir until combined
-Slowly add the milk, stirring constantly until smooth
-Stir in the cheese, until melted and this will cause the sauce to thicken.
-Place the potatoes in a baking dish and then cover with the sauce. sprinkle with cheese and breadcrumbs.
-Cook at 325 degrees for 25 minutes.

Well this is just a taste of what I have been up to this weekend and I hope you get a chance to try out (and tweak to your liking) these wonderful recipes...i guarantee that your family will love them! :) I also tried out baking my first pie (apple) and while I don't like pie, my brother joey ate a slice and said it was pretty good, so I'm pretty proud of that fact.  I'll be sure to take pictures next time I attempt a pie.  I'm thinking I might try something a little harder...any suggestions?! 

Until next time my friends :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

World Traveler

As I'm sitting here on this bleak, dreary winter morning I suddenly got a new top for a blog.  I'm young so I have plenty of years ahead of me to do some traveling.  Especially with Chris being in the military, we may have opportunities to see the world.  So I figured I'd better get my list together of the top places I would really like to go before I head up to heaven. So here you go :)
1.) Rome, Venice, Florence Italy
First off, for anyone who knows me knows that if I could eat nothing but pasta I would be a happy girl so of course I want to go to place that created Italian food.  But that is not the only reason.  I would love to take a little canoe ride down the Tiber River at sunset with Chris, corny yes but romantic none the less. I would love to see the Alps and all the other beautiful scenery that Italy has to offer. Not to mention all the history such as the Colosseum and the Vatican. There are so many reasons I am longing to visit Italy I can't even begin to go into detail.  Which is why Italy claims the number one spot not only on my wish list, but also Chris' military wish list. 

2. Fiji
My dream vacation spot. Hopefully one day we will be able to visit this beautiful island. Fiji is known for having some of the most spectacular underwater scenery and I would jump at the chance to be able to see that.  Fiji's wildlife population is mostly species that are only found in Fiji, and being the animal lover that I am,  I would love to take the opportunity to see new and rare species. not to mention their sand white beaches and crystal clear water just shout out TOTAL RELAXATION.  Maybe for our 10 year anniversary we'll be able to go here :)

3.) Turks and Caicos
Again, I'm a beach lover so of course some of the most exotic beached are on my list of top vacation spots! I really have no reason for wanting to visit here except that it's home of the best beach in the world and my parents have been there and raved about it. 

3.) Munich, Germany
Oktoberfest. While it doesn't seem like something I would normally want to do, I would like to go and experience this at least once.  Especially since everyone who has ever gone has said amazing things about it.  And while we're at it, I would like to stop in at the Hofbrauhaus Beer Hall, just to say that i've been to the most famous beer tavern in the world.  I would also like to visit the Gothic Church of our Lady which has amazing (so I've read) views of the Alps and Munich.  More importantly, i would love to visit  the Neuschwanstein Castle, which was the model for Cinderella Castle. 

4.)The Great Barrier Reef, Australia  

 These country has a little bit of everything...tropical rain forests and beaches. But the number one reason I want to visit Australia is because of the wildlife.  Australia is known for their diversity in wildlife and I would love to be able to see these animals that we don't have the chance to here in the U.S.  I would also like to see the famous Ayers Rock, which is a massive sand rock in central Australia. There is a lot of myth and history surrounding this rock.

5.) African Rainforest
 Again, for anyone who knows me this does not sound like something I would like to do, but it's a once in a lifetime chance so if we are so lucky to have that opportunity come to us, why pass up! Although I don't think it would be a "normal" vacation for us, I think it would be magical and the experience we would come out of with would be eye opening and something that we would never forget. 

These are only my top 5 places that I would love to visit, there are so many more on my list it would be impossible to list every place I long to visit. Hopefully we will be so lucky to have the chance to see a least some of the world!

Have a wonderful Friday :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirt, a golden thread in the meaning of life

The topic of today's blog is Katie Coviello. Partly because I hate her ( and if you know us, you know that means i love her), but mostly because she threatened that she wouldn't wait much longer for me to post a blog that is dedicated to her.  We all know that I'm terrified of her so I figured I'd better listen to her threat. Anyone who knows us knows that when we are together chances are you will be ignored. Chris has come to learn and accept this fact and our whole family has made it into a joke.  And that's the way we like it...we tend to evolve into our own little world when we are together and many people don't understand how we can be so close, but hey if you have a sister who is close in age to you than why wouldn't she be your best friend? I'm one of the few people who are lucky enough to be blessed with a sister I can not only get along with but love to hang out with and I am very thankful for that. She is an amazing person with a huge heart and anyone who meets her can't help but like her immediately.  So there you go Kate, I dedicated a blog to you and don't you dare take away my privilege to facebook stalk you anytime i want!:)
For those who know me, you know that I love to read.  Unfortunately with my work schedule the only time I seem to have to read these days are while I'm doing my cardio at the gym and those 5 minutes between getting in bed and passing out.   I was recently introduced to a new author (courtesy of Heather) whose name is Harlen Coben.  He is an amazing writer and I tend to recommend him to anyone who is looking for a new book to read.  I just started reading "One False Move" and it is fabulous.  He is the kind of writer where you literally can not put the book down until you finish it or you eyes are too heavy to keep open.  His novels are suspense/mystery and boy does he know how to keep you hooked.  Over the years I have tried a lot of different authors and no one can write like he does.  So if you are looking for a new book to read, I would highly recommend anything by Harlen Coben, you won't be disappointed. 

On another note, Chris has been staying on base all week so I haven't seen him since Sunday.  Although he was nice enough to leave me a bouquet of flowers before he left on Monday morning :)  And while I know that a couple days apart is nothing especially since we are able to call and text whenever we want I can't help but feel lonely when he isn't there.  It's not like we're always in the same room or anything, it's the coming home and being able to talk about our day or knowing that he's in the next room that makes it comforting to have him home.  But at least he's not gone for six months! But when he is gone the cats, ok well I lied...Marshmellow likes to be on her worst behavior.  And by worst I simply mean being extra crazy.  Last night for example she jumped on top of the fridge and was attacking something up there.  She seems to think that bedtime for me means playtime for her.  She has a habit of playing all night long and she doesn't just limit her playing to running around the house like manic while squeaking the entire time....she loves to jump around the bed with as many toys as she can pile on us.  While it's quite entertaining,  she is like a terrible two year old. Her favorite game is fetch...yes people, you read correctly, we have a cat that loves to play fetch.  She brings you a toy you throw it and she immediately brings it back and nudges your hand to pet her.  It's quite the sight!

Well people that's all I have for today....Enjoy your Thursday!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

People are Cruel and Evil

It never fails to shock (and upset) me when I hear something on the news about how people treat each other (or animals for that matter...they're little people too!).  But stories like this one,  just break my heart no matter how many times I see them.

 It just boggles my mind that people can really be this cruel, don't they have better things to do with their time than picketting at an innocent CHILD'S funeral after she was gunned down in a mass shooting? Do these people truly believe that God is punishing a CHILD for her sins by having her murdered? What's even more to the point is do these awful people really believe that they are going to go to heaven when they die? Because I do not. Nothing these people do in their daily lives could possibly make up for this awful sin they are committing.

These are the same people who protest at soldiers funerals.  These heroes gave up their life so you can have the right to make your voice heard and this is how you choose to thank them? I just can't wrap my head around the idea at protesting a funeral.  It is a private family matter to honor the life of a loved one( who died so honorably)so why should the families have to deal with such hatred. And even more importantly, why would these people want to take away from that remembrance? Or how would they feel if people did that to one of their family members?!?

I want to believe in the goodness of every person, no matter their age, religious belief or race.  But it's news articles like this that are quick to remind me that people are evil and the world is a cruel place to live. It makes it hard to believe that every human being has a good soul and that deeply saddens me.   If people would stop hating each other and show each other signs of love instead of hate the world would be such a better place to live and their children would grow up in a peaceful environment.The United States has enough enemies, we don't need to be making enemies with one another on top of everything else. I really just don't get people sometimes and their actions, why turn to violence as an answer for everything? It does not solve anything, only creates more problems.  I want to be able to believe that there is such a thing as peace and eventually we will all learn to learn in peace amongst ourselves but things like this news article make it very hard to keep believing.

I'm Offically a Blogger :)

Welcome everyone to my blog! I've decided to try out blogging because it's a place where I can express my thoughts on life and you can choose to either read or not read. 

First, let me start with the basics, my name is Becky and I'm 25 years old. I'm engaged to the most wonderful man I ever could have been blessed with, Chris.  He is not only my best friend but my better half.  He truly completes me and we both realize how lucky we are to have the type of relationship that we do. We are getting married on May 6, 2011 and we are both so excited for what the future holds for us. Less than four months away! Chris is in the Air Force and we are waiting to find out where he will be stationed next.  We are crossing our fingers for someplace in Europe, but if not Europe someplace in the South, where it is warm and sunny. While there are some downsides to living the military life, there are also many upsides, such as the opportunity to see the world while we are young. I am currently working in Falls Church as a Human Resource Assistant and managing our Physical Therapy clinic which works with special needs children.  While the office work can get stressful at times, it's always brings a smile to my face to see the kids everyday trying their hardest.  At nights and on the weekends, I coach gymnastics in Leesburg. I love this job and though it means getting home late and getting up early on Saturday mornings, I absolutely adore the children who come in for lessons. And being able to share my love of gymnastics with the little ones is just an added benefit.

We have two cats, Marshmellow and Abby. Marshemellow is a total and complete lovable nutcase while Abby is calm and just wants to sleep all day and not be bothered.  While Marshmellow is my little shadow, Abby favors Chris. Abby is going on 8 years one while Marshmellow is just turned 2.  While she is not a kitten any longer, she sure does act like one.  She loves to play and when she's not playing she's snuggling and purring.  Abby prefers to either lay on Chris and sleep or hide somewhere where Marshmellow won't bother her and sleep.

I have learned a lot in this past year.  Friends come and go but the ones who are there for the long run never disappear no matter what happens between the two of you.  Your true friends will be the ones who are there for you through the hard times, while other people will be the ones who turn the other way.  While this was a hard lesson to learn, I'm thankful that I have learned it now instead of ten years down the road.  I'm also thankful for the true friends that I am blessed to have in my life. Deployments are hard and crappy but they are a blessing in disguise.  Chris has gone on two deployments since we've been dating (he did his first deployment before we met) and each one has made our relationship stronger and we have learned to value each day that we get to spend together and that fighting over the small things is a waste of time and energy. We have an extremely strong emotional bond and we can thank the deployments for that. Well that it's for today, stay tuned for more adventures as I embark on the journey of life:)