My little Abby. She's about nine years old and I've had her since she was a little kitten. She's got her weird little quirks but I love her. She's an odd cat and funny looking odd at that. Not one that most people would refer to as a beautiful cat, but boy is she a lover. When she was a kitten she went in to get spayed and something when terribly wrong. She was given the wrong anesthesia and a piece of the sponge was left in her stomach; well long story short she almost died and was left with some permanent brain damage leaving her a bit on the odd side. But I still love her. Yes, she's got some odd qualities, but that's what makes her Abby. She's a loveable cat and she's mine (and Chris'). She loves to lay anywhere in the house that is sunny and stare at Marshmellow when she's being nuts with a "what in the world is wrong with you" look. She loves to lay on Chris' chest as close to his face as she can get just purring away. Chris is extremely attached to her. He tends to get annoyed with Marshmellow because she never settles down (but he still loves her to the moon and back) but Abby is his little girl. He jus loves to snuggle with her and she just love to snuggle with him right back. She loves to love on top of the cable box at night while we sleep. She loves to "talk" to us all the time, whenever we are home you can usually find Abby somewhere close to one of us talking.
While we were on our honeymoon in May my mom was watching the cats for us and noticed that Abby kept getting sick and mentioned to me that I should bring Abby to the vet to make sure that nothing was seriously wrong with her. So I took her in, and there was a tumor that was taking up 3/4 of her stomach. Luckily, it was benign. They did a relatively easy surgery and removed it and she seemed to be getting back to normal. Until about two weeks she lost her meow. At first we just thought it was because she is always meowing but as it got close to two weeks of her not having a meow we started to get more and more worried. So last night, I brought her to the vet to find out what was going on. Well it turns out that she has a really bad infection in her throat and a tumor in her throat. The vet gave her a steroid shot and a antibiotic shot in hopes that the tumor is benign. If the tumor is benign, the antiboitic will help the swelling go down and her meow will come back. If the tumor is not benign, the swelling will not go down and her meow will not come back. The vet seems to be hopeful that the tumor is benign, so I want to follow his lead and be hopeful as well. We should know within two weeks if the tumor is benign or not. I just want Abby to feel better, so please keep my little Abby baby in your prayers. ♥
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
Keeping her in my prayers!!
I love my abby baby too! Tell her i'll be there tomorrow and she'll feel better. Tell her if i can find some cat nip before then, she'll get a treat! I love her and I know that my little furry friend bff will pull through. xoxxoxo love you bops