As I was sitting down last night eating some leftovers I turned on the TV and got sucked into watching a rerun of 16 and pregnant. I strongly dislike that show. There was a 15 year old boy complaining to his 16 year old (PREGNANT) girlfriend that he's only fifteen, did she know how hard it was going to be to get a job at 15? But he didn't want her to give up the baby. Well, than maybe you should've thought of that before you jumped on top of her and got her pregnant. Two scenes later she was complaining that she wanted to finish school and go to college and me, me, me. Well newsflash honey, once you have that child your life no longer is about you, it is about that little person that you are responsible for. There is a reason why most people wait until they have finished school, gotten married and are older to have children. Younger people are not emotionally or financially ready to support a child.
I think that MTV's 16 and Pregnant is a horrible show, yes it shows how hard it can be to be a young child and get pregnant why do we even need to have a TV show about that? Most young children know this fact already. The show itself isn't so bad in terms of sending the wrong message to teens about what it's like to be 16 and pregnant, it's the teens themselves that are pregnant and still think that the wolrd revolves around them that makes me want to shake some sense into them.
Which leads me into my next rant...Teen Mom. Yes, I get sucked into watched that show every week. But why is MTV glamorizing these teen mothers?? Farrah puts the want of a boob job before her child's education first; she could be putting that money she spent toward a college fund for her daughter. You are a mother now, superficial things like boob jobs are no longer important. Gary and Amber can not get their act together and stop fighting and cussing in front of their daughter. So when she cussing is preschool no one else is to blame but themselves. And then everyother week at the grocery store, they are plastered on the cover of yet another magazine cover. Stop putting these mothers into the spotlight and let them focus on getting their lives together and providing the best life possible for their children so that they're not in the same position when they are when they're 16. Yes theses shows provide for good entertainment, but do they really provide a good example to any pregnant teens out there? Or teens in general? No. We are a media a society and we should be using the media to set a good example and as far as I'm concerned we could be doing a much better job of that. But, hey that is just my opinion.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
could't agree more!!!!!!!