On Friday night, she made a little squeak and we thought she was starting to get better but then her meow disappeared just as quickly as that little squeak had appeared. Not another peep to be heard from her all weekend :( She kept trying, but nothing was coming out of her. But yesterday she seemed to be getting a little something coming back, she still sounds terrible and it's not even close to a meow but it's something. Not quite a squeak, I'm not even sure what to call it, but it's a little noise of some sorts which to me is better than nothing. So, while it seems to be taking her quite awhile to get her meow back to normal, we are still very hopeful that it is slowly, very slowly, coming back and she is going to kick this tumor's butt. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the progress, as slow as it may be, keeps coming and that this tumor is not malignant. Please keep the prayers coming for our Abby. ♥
While we are speaking about animals, I filled out an application to become a volunteer with the Loudoun County Animal Shelter while Chris is deployed. Honestly, I will most likely continue to volunteer to work with them once Chris comes home because my heart goes out to animals without homes, to animals who don't know what it is like to be loved, to animals who have been abused and forgotten about. As much I would love to volunteer with them everyday, with my work schedule and gymnastics schedule that only leaves me with Saturday afternoons to help out, but once a week is better than nothing. Once a week is enough to show some animals what is it like to be loved and to be filled with hope. I already know that I'm going to want to take every single animal home with me, but on the flip side, I know that we don't have enough space for any more animals or enough money to provide them with the proper care and nutrition. So, as much I as I'm going to want to take them home with me, I know that they'll be better with a family who can provide them with a better life than Chris and I can at this moment and time in our lives. Maybe later in life we can have 3 or 4 pets, but right now isn't the right time for us. I hope that I'll be able to make at least a small difference in the lives of these animals and show them the meaning of love and hope in my volunteering. I'm very excited about it, and very much looking forward to helping out in the shelter. It's a small step in what I would like to eventually be able to do in the world of preventing animal abuse but you have to dream big and start small.
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My prayers are with your little kitty!! I'm glad to hear she's making at least a little progress..animals heal in their own time..so for her this is good news! :)