I stumbled across this news story today on facebook, and I couldn't help but tear up as I read their truly touching love story. I can only hope that the love I have for Chris is as strong as this couple's love for each other the day that we die. This is true romance, and although it is sad that they passed away, it warms your heart they way they died together. The wife really died of a broken heart and the husband couldn't bear the thought of going to heaven without his wife so he waited for her before going along to the afterlife, such a truly touching story. Truly makes you believe that there is such a thing out there as true love in a world filled with hate and cruelty. Gives me hope that Chris and I will make it and our love will continue to grow with each day that passes.
My only only wish for Chris and I is that our love for each other continues to grow for each other day by day and that our relationship grows stronger with each milestone that we cross. As my sister said to us in her maid of honor toast; she hopes that in the years to come when we look back on our wedding day she hopes that we remember it as the day that we loved each other the least.
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