Some days I just feel so disconnected from some of friends back home. And it's not from lack of trying. I feel like even though I try to talk to them, I get the distinct feeling that I'm annoying them. And it's not always, just some days. And it might just be my mind playing tricks on me. I'm trying my hardest to maintain my relationships as close as they were before I left, but some days I feel like my best friends are just drifting away from me even though I'm doing everything I can to keep that from happening. I understand that they still have their friends there and they're lives keep going, but I don't want to be forgotten. So I'm doing all that I can to keep our friendships as tight as we have always been. I've always been good about maintaining my friendships, so I feel like this should be no different. I have to put just as much (if not more, since I'm the one who moved) effort into maintaining communication, which is no problem because I love being able to hear about what's going on in my friend's lives and how their days went.
I miss my friends. I miss seeing them at the drop of a hat. I miss the feeling of closeness that comes with living practically right next door to your best friends of years. I guess this is something that happens when you move thousands of miles away but I honestly did not expect it to be so hard, especially with all the new age technology, like skype. But it's hard not seeing them all the time. It's not being there for all the exciting things that are going on in their lives.
I do realize that this is what WE wanted. This is where we wanted to be. I do love living here. I love the sunshine and the warm weather. I love the palm trees and the beach. I love the thought of raising our children down here. All in all I love living down here, but I do miss my friends. A lot. It's going to take a long to time for me to get used to not being able to see them at the drop of the hat. I have to just take a deep breathe and just remind myself that I've only been here a couple weeks and I'm allowed to have my hard days.
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1 day ago
Sorry Becky! I know it's hard! I moved away from all my best friends after college! Until kids, we got together 6-10 times a year and it was just like old times! Then Marc & I got pregnant, then shortly after, they got pregnant too and things started changing. We couldn't talk all the time & families grew and priorities change. Sometimes I get sad that I can't just meet them for lunch or call them at any moment! At first I wanted to know all the details of their life, every day, like I used to! Now, I realize, I know the important things and the times we do get to talk or spend together are just that much more important!