Things I am extremely grateful for everyday...
1.) My husband- words can not explain how lucky I feel that he is mine and I am his. He is truly my missing piece and he makes me feel complete. No matter how far apart we may be, I can always feel his love shining down on me. He is my best friend and my soulmate. I thank my lucky stars everyday that we happened to be at the same bar that night. We are a rare few that no the meaning of "true love" and I couldn't be happier.
2.) My "children" aka Marshmellow and Abby. They are my best friends. They know when I'm sad and need a little loving, they know when I'm happy and can make me laugh. They are loyal, cuddly and never say anything bad about me. :) But seriously, my life would feel a little empty without my furry friends to keep my entertained/company when Chris is away. They make our little family complete. I spoil them because they deserve to have the most fantastic life possible and they deserve every ounce of spoiling we can give them.
3.) My family. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. They have helped me grow and learn to become the women I am today. They have taught me the values that I live by. They are my rock. I know that if everybody else should walk out on my tomorrow and my world comes crashing down, they will be there to help me stand back up. I am truly blessed to have a family that (for the most part) gets along and enjoys each others company. I am one of the lucky people in this world that has parents who support my every decision and trust me to follow the right path in life. I am one of those rare people who is able to call her siblings her best friends and mean it 100%.
4.) My amazing friends. I have learned a lot the past year, most importantly that people don't stick around when things get tough. That people who you considered to be one of your best friends will stop talking to you because you voiced your opinion. I have learned that your true friends will always be there for you, no matter how long it's been since you've last talked. I have learned that with true friends, you don't have to try and it takes little effort to maintain the friendship. True friends will happy for you no matter what, and their happiness for you will be so genuine and real that you will be able to feel it. I've learned that friends come and go throughout your lifetime, but your best and true friends will be there for you through thick and thin. Those are the friends that your children are going to refer to as their aunt and uncle. Those are the type of people I want to surround myself with. Those are the types of friends I am so lucky to have been blessed to have in my life.
5.) My jobs. I know I may complain about them both at times but the fact of the matter is that I'm not jobless and I'm making ends meet. And for that simple fact, I'm thankful.
Pan Seared Tofu Bowls
8 hours ago
I LOVE YOU BECKY!!!!!!! And I am so thankful to have you in my life :)