Chris is leaving on another deployment in less than three months and I can't help but feel dread. I know I'll be fine and I'll survive this deployment without dying just like I have the previous two he's gone on since we've been together. But I'm not looking forward to the feeling of being lonely when I'm surrounded by a ton of people, missing him so much that it physically hurts or being worried about him and wondering if he's going to come home to me everyday that I don't hear from him. This is the life that I signed up for, I realize that but it doesn't make it any easier everytime he leaves me. And I can't help but feel like September is going to be here before we know it and all I want is for time to slow down a little bit. I want to spend every minute that is possible with him before he leaves. I know that deployments will only make us stronger as a couple and bring us closer together emotionally and for that I am extremely grateful because we have something special that not a lot of people in this world have the pleasure of knowing but they are also the hardest thing to go through.
Articles like this don't exactly help my worrying about it either...
Although Chris tells me all the time that he will be fine and nothing will happen to him and that he'll be home before he knows it, I can't help but think that those soldiers most likely told their loved ones and families those same words. I can't even begin to understand what those families are going through right now and I hope I never have to know what it's like to lose my husband to combat. All I can do is say that my heart goes out to them and prayers are with them to get them through this tough time. I hope they know that their loved one died an American Hero and there is nothing to be more proud of than that.
Pan Seared Tofu Bowls
7 hours ago
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