Saturday was my amazing bridal shower! My bridesmaids did a fantastic job of putting everything together, everything looked beautiful and they did such a good job making it a memorable and special day for me. I can't thank them enough for everything they have done for me so far throughout this process. I'm truly lucky to have been blessed with such amazing people in my life. I have the best friends any girl could ask for and I'm so thankful for them. I only hope that when it's my turn to help with their showers, I can throw them just as nice of one as they threw me :) This year has had it's ups and downs but it's shown me who my true friends are (and those who are not) and I'm so glad for all those down points. I would've much rather found out before my wedding than after, that way only the people who are truly happy for Chris and I are there to celebrate our special day! Now, a couple pictures from the shower for you :)
A picture of the place where Chris proposed to me from my mom :) One of my favorite and most meaningful gifts. I can't wait until we move so I can hang it someplace special!
Ahhhh finally my very own Kitchen Aid Mixer, now I won't have to steal my own!! I'm so excited about this, I used my mom's all the time so this was one of my most "wanted" gifts, can't wait to break it out of the box and use it!
My pots and pans I've been lusting after! I'm so excited to use these, Chris and I don't have a set of really nice pots, just odds and end of really crappy pots so this was a definite plus to add to our kitchen!
Our "And they lived happily ever after" sign :) I was going to buy one for us as soon as we move but Suzanne and Alicia beat me to it! I love this cute little sign, i great one to go above our bed or in our bathroom!
My wedding dress hanger!! In case you can't read it, it says "Mrs. Price" my sister got this custom made for me and i LOVE it!! It's such an awesome gift and I never would have thought of something like this!
Me and my fabulous MOH, who is doing an amazing job at putting things together for me :)))
Cindy, Suzanne, Me, Jessie and Kate. Thanks so much to my stepsisters for coming all the way from New Jersey to be there for my bridal shower!
Kate, Mom and I :) Three best friends!
My wonderful bridesmaids (minus Natalie and Lindsay) looking all cute in our sundresses!
Well those are just a few of the pictures from a very fun day :) Although, I have to say that Chris wasn't nearly as excited as I was about all of our fun new gifts, except the meatloaf pan. hahah, typical guy. But, I guess most of those gifts are for me!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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