Just a little information about birth order, what your birth order means in terms of your personality and who your greatest love match is. Research has shown that a person's birth order has a direct link to their personality.
First Born Children
The first born child is usually the child with the most attention directed at him/her. This common event is part of the reason this particular child turns out the way he/she does. There are two typical types of first born children, compliant and aggressive. The first born in your family can be either one of these two types, and have these typical traits:
Compliant Traits
- People Pleasers
- Crave Approval
- Nurturers
- Caregivers
- Reliable
- Concientious
- Cooperative
- Team Players
- "Grin and bear it" mentatlity
- Movers and shakers
- Natural leaders
- Perfectionists
- Driven
- Conventional
- Always have things under control
- Assertive
- Want things their way
Common Traits
- Energetic
- Logical
- Ambitious
- Enterprising
- Scholarly
Fun Facts
- Famous first born children: Walter Conkrite, Dan Rather, Oprah Winfrey, Rush Limbaugh and Arsenio Hall
- More than 1/2 of the U.S. Presidents were first born children
- 21 of the 23 first astronauts were first born children
- 2/3 of entrepreneurs are first born children
Best Love match: The youngest child. It’s a case of opposites attracting. You help the last-born be more organized, and the last-born helps you lighten up.”
Middle Children
Middle children are quite often the most difficult children to both read and to raise. Middle children are quite often referred to as the "Mysterious Middle Child", this is due in large part to the fact that there are two types of middle born children. Tese two types of middle borns are not as clearly defined as the two types of first borns, they do not possess simple "names", therefore for confusion's sake we will refer to them as Middle Born #1 and Middle Born #2.
Middle Born #1
- Loner
- Quiet Shy
- Impatient
- Uptight
- Outgoing
- Friendly
- Loud
- Laid back
- Patient
Common Traits
- Flexible
- Diplomatic
- Rebellious
- Attention seeking
- Competitive
- Peacemakers
Fun Facts
Best Love match: Youngest child. Middles aren’t as threatened by last-borns as they are by exacting first-borns, so the odds are good for open communication.
Last Born Children
Last born children tend to be the easiest to define when it comes to the correlation between birth order and personality, this is mostly due to the fact that there is only one main type of last born.
Last Born Traits
- Risk takers
- Idealists
- Good sense of humor
- Hard working
- Immature
- Attention seeking
- Secretive
- Sensitive
Fun Facts
- Famous last born children: Howard Stern, Jay Leno, Ralph Nadar, Bill Gates, and Danny DeVito
- Tend to go against the norm
- Make the biggest stirs in life
- Know no boundaries
Best Love match: Either the oldest child (they serve as a good counterbalance in a parent-child sort of way) or middle child (they value friendships, so they totally understand why you love being the life of the party).
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