Well, yesterday the Supreme Court passed a ruling that the protests these church members do at fallen soldiers funerals is allowed. I understand that they are entitled to their Freedom of Speech, but I also realize that those soldiers and their families are entitled to their rights first and foremost. I know that 95% of people are outraged at this ruling and I am most definitely outraged. It's not only because my future husband is a soldier, it's because the Supreme Court didn't have the courage to step up and say "no this isn't right, we need to protect the rights of fallen soldiers who have gave up their life so we can have this right." They should have put a stop to it right then and there, I guarantee a lot more people would be happy about the end of this case. I understand that everyone is entitled to their right of freedom of speech, but this Amendment does not give them the right to brutalize private individuals at a private family event. This is taking the First Amendment to a whole new level and I for one don't like where it is heading. It's letting people get away with anything and I don't think that's a good place for us to head. People need to know that yes, we have freedom of speech but you can't take that meaning you can attack private citizens.
I honestly don't understand how members of a CHURCH and their LEADERS think that God wants them to picket a funeral of a fallen soldier. These men and woman are on the front lines fighting so that you have the right to protest what you want, be a classy human being and show their families the respect that they deserve. It just boggles my mind that are protesting homosexuality at a funeral of a soldier. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other and it's just cruel. Every time I hear a news story about this church it makes my blood boil. I just can't believe that members of a church would be out there protesting at a funeral. It's just cruel and I really hope they don't actually believe that they are going to heaven.
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