I don't understand why the news channels seem to think that Charlie Sheen (along with all the other celebrities who have gone off the deep end in the past couple months) are worthy of being on the news. With everything that is going on in the world today, this completely boggles my mind. They can't find anything(or anyone) better to talk about that people are actually interested in? How about doing a news story on the heroes who have come back from fighting a war to protect us. Or doing a news story on the support groups that raise awareness and put together care packages for our soldiers?! How about doing a news segment on the families that are left behind when a loved one deploys and how the deal with the loneliness/worrying on a daily basis? How about doing a news segment on the non profit groups that save abused animals everyday? I've only been thinking about this for a few minutes and I've already been able to come up with more than enough options for news segments. So I can only image the kind of news stories a professional would be able to come up with. Save this type of annoying nonsense for Entertainment Tonight and the gossip magazines. No one cares that Charlie Sheen now wants 3 million dollars per episode or that his comments are making him like he is 100% nutty. I just think with everything that is going on in our country as well as the middle east, there are far more important things to be covered on the news that a celebrity who is a whack job. But then again, that's just my opinion.
On a brighter note, it's beginning to look a lot like spring outside and I am ecstatic about that! I can't wait to be able to wear flip flops and going outside into warm weather inside of an artic zone. Not to mention, that warm weather seems to put people in a happier mood and it's 10 times easier to wake up in the morning. Especially when I want to work out! But I'm also excited because it means we're getting closer to our wedding!! And i can NOT wait to marry Chris! Also, to be done with all this crazy planning! It's insane how much work it takes to plan a wedding and make it happen; so overwhelming! Good thing I have my mom lending a helping hand because she has been awesome. I have to admit, I 've been a slacker since Chris has been home. It was nice while he was deployed because it gave me something to do and kept me occupied but now that he's home, I would rather spend the time with him and leave it all to my mom :)
Well, enjoy this sunny Wednesday!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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