Chris and I are currently in the process of picking our first dance song and let me just's a toughie! We thought we had picked one out a few weeks ago but now we keep throwing other songs out there, it's such a big decision. We want a song that reflects the way we feel about others and also a song that our guests will "get" if we choice. There are just so many songs that I love that Chris doesn't and vice versa. This is becoming one of the most difficult tasks on our wedding to do list. Hopefully when he gets home from drill this weekend, we will be able to sit down and pick out a song that is meaningful to us both and also suites our relationship. You can't just pick any old love song you know! We also want to pick a song that hasn't been used a million and a half times by everyone and their mother so that is also making it a little challenging since a lot of loves songs people tend to choose for their first dance. We shall see what we can come to an agreement on!
Another more junk food or candy until the wedding. Ok, well limited candy and junk food until the wedding. Gotta behave myself so I can look tip top for my big day :) Those of you who know me well, know that I can't go a day without eating a bag of candy and an unnecessary amount of junk food so this turning out to be quite the challenge. Let's see how long this will's a been a week so far, and I'm doing pretty good! I've also decided to switch up my workout routine because I feel my body is getting way to used to what i've been doing. So I'm going back to strength training classes in the mornings on Wednesday and Friday. As hard as it is to get up that early, once I get there I really enjoy the class and I love the way I feel after wards. I'm not taking my cycling classes out of my workout routine because i love going and i always get a great workout for that. I'm also going to start doing my yoga two mornings a week. Jillian Michaels kicks my butt every time but it's a great (and short) workout. So we'll see how I last on this challenge :) Nothing too hard except the limited amount of candy and junk food. Good thing the wedding is only 3 months away! then I fully intend on going back to my diet of strictly all junk food and candy!
And for those of you who have been hiding under a rock all day, the groundhog did NOT see his shadow this morning! wahooo!! Early spring for us this year!! Thank goodness because this has been an awfully cold winter and I'm not so sure I could handle 6 more weeks of this nonsense! Plus, I need to start working on my tan for my wedding! gotta have some color!
Happy Hump Day!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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