Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day filled with love and laughter! Especially with this beautiful weather! It might be a little windy, but i'll take that over freezing temps and snow any day! Let's just hope the groundhog was right and we are in for an early spring this year! I'm done with winter for the year. It has been brutally cold and gross all winter.
Well, our weekend was pretty nice. Saturday morning I taught gymnastics as I normally do. One of my privates didn't show up, and that right there just bothers me. You have my number so when you aren't going to show up please do the considerate thing and call me. Or at least call the front desk and let them know to tell me. It takes you 2 minutes. My other Saturday morning private it making good progress with her gymnastics skills, now I'm just trying to get her to do a backhandspring by herself and hoping that she will get her kip in a couple weeks. But she's doing great. This Saturday was the last Saturday in this session, and let me just say thank goodness. Some of those kids were terribly misbehaved and when you have a class of 16 kids and a couple are disrupting the entire time, it makes it extremely frustrating to get through the class. Some parents need to teach their children more discipline. So after I had gymnastics I went to the gym...bad, bad idea since I had been so sick all week and am still not completely over it. Bad idea Beck. I only stayed about 45 minutes before I had to go home. I also attempted to make some caramel apple cupcakes and they are delicious! The recipe is pretty easy to follow and they are very tasty. Definitely worth the shot of making them so I'm including the link for the recipe. :) And would highly recommend trying them a free day you have!
Saturday night Chris took me to BLT Steakhouse in D.C. to celebrate Valentine's Day. While the food was decent, I definitely think it was way overpriced for how it tasted. And they had the tables so close to each other, we could hear everything the couple who was sitting next to us was saying. It was decent but I'm not so sure how it got such a fabulous rating...not that impressive. But maybe it's just because I'm used to Mark Joseph's in NYC....now that right there is the best steakhouse and the food is definitely worth paying for. You can't get steak like that just anywhere!
Sunday we had a busy, busy day. We went to meet with a Reverend who is going to be performing our wedding ceremony. Her name is Reverend Hope McNew and we both liked her a lot. She's very friendly, not judgmental at all and will fit the ceremony to us personally. She gave us a couple books to choose the different parts of the ceremony from, so that's our next task at hand. It's probably going to take us a little while to find what we both like but it'll be worth it. She does a little something unique, she incorporates the engagement ring into the exchanging of rings so we both liked that idea a lot since the engagement ring marks the beginning of something new and exciting for us as a couple.. After we met with the Reverend I took Chris to finally see our wedding venue! Even though it doesn't look nearly as beautiful as it does when the weather is warmer he still loved it and said it was perfect. It's such a beautiful setting with the water right behind us. So we're crossing our fingers for a beautiful May day. :) Sunday evening we had dinner with Katie, Steven, Joey and Sam which was very nice. It's not often that all 6 of us (or for that matter all 3) of us can get together. It was wonderful to spend time together and I'm very glad that we were able to do it. We're going to try to do it more often because we all enjoyed ourselves very much!
Enjoy your Valentine's Day!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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