I haven't been very good about blogging lately. I've had so much going on and I've honestly though about blogging a million times but just get caught up doing other things and lose track of time. So I'll catch you up real quick.
1.) I finally order some wedding pictures to be hung on our walls. And then I finally got some frames for the wedding pictures. Now I just need my step dad to come help me hang them. I got 6 big pictures for around the house. I think I'm going to do two sets of three collages.
I can't wait to get these up on the walls :) I'm so glad to finally have some bigger wedding pictures in the house! And I hope to have the hung as a little surprise to Chris once he gets home!
2.) On Friday night, I went and got a new tattoo. My fifth and final one. Well I say final now but will it really be my final? Time can only tell I suppose. When we got married, one of the gifts I gave to Chris, was engraving his wedding band with the phrase " Love is Eternal." Which was a surprise to him, he didn't know until the wedding day. So, I got that exact phrase tattooed on my ribs. It starts on my back and wraps around my ribs. I absolutely love it. I sent chris and email with a picture of it, and he loves it as well. The tattoo artist was easily the best one I've ever been too and it is probably my favorite tattoo. The picture makes it looks a little bigger than it actually is.
3.) Finally, the most important and most exciting news...CHRIS IS COMING HOME!!!! While I can't share an exact date, to say that I am thrilled would be an understatement. I literally can not wait until the moment he walks off the bus and I can jump into his arms. We had a little fiasco and he didn't come home on time. In fact he is coming home about two weeks later than expected. And he left two weeks early. ugh. And that news of him coming home later than expected was very last minute, so I had to scramble to change my flight home, our Disney reservations, his welcome home party...pretty much everything. But it all worked out; with a couple little surprises thrown in there for Chris. That I can NOT wait for. I can only hope that this week flies by quicker than the speed of light and I'm on that place back to Virginia before I know it. I can not believe that the end of this deployment is finally coming to a close. He made it through his fourth deployment safely. I am incredibly grateful that my husband will be back in my arms in a matter of days.
That is pretty much all that I have to catch you up on :)
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
You and me both!! I think every day about "oh I should blog about this" and then laziness and busy-ness takes over! I STILL haven't ordered portraits!! (I'm still picking out my top 5 fave which is SO hard to do!!!) Your pictures are beautiful!! And I love your tattoo!! Excited for your upcoming days, Becky!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! xoxo